Test case Type report


A "Test Case Type Report" typically refers to a report that provides information about the distribution of test cases based on their types.List of different types of test cases used in the project, such as functional, regression, integration, system, performance, security, etc. Such reports are valuable for test managers, project managers, and other stakeholders to assess the balance and effectiveness of testing efforts. They can help identify areas where more testing might be needed or where specific types of tests are excelling or falling short.

How to Generate Shareable Test case type reports ?

  1. On the Test case page ,Click on the Shareable Type report.
  2. After Clicking on “Share Type Report”, a new tab will appear, other than the current tab and the shareable report link will be automatically copied to the clipboard.

On the Shareable report, List of different types of test cases used in the project, such type will be displayed.The total number of test cases associated with each test case type. The execution status (e.g., passed, failed,Retest) of test cases for each test case type. Test case Mode ( Automation,Manual ) of test case for each test case type.
By clicking on the view icon under Total Test case category Test case (Code,title,module name,type,created by ) details will be displayed.
By clicking on the view icon under Total Test Run category Test run (Code,Title,Module name,Status,Assigned to) details will be displayed.
Similarly for mode, by clicking on view icon testcase under particular mode will be shown