Add Issue
- To Goto Issues Page, Click on Project->Issues Menu
- Click on "+ Add Issue" Button
- Enter the Issue Summary
- Choose priority and Status
- Enter the other Issue details, add attachments(optional)
- Click on Save
Custom fields option in add issue
1.We can easily add custom fields in the add issue form-under Custom fields tab
Edit Issues:
- To Goto Issues Page, Click on Project->Issues Menu
- Click on “Edit” Button
- Enter issue details which you want to edit
- Click on Save
Archive Issues:
- To Archive an Issue, Click on the delete icon near Issue.
- Confirm the archive by clicking on the “Archive” button in the popup.
- The Issue will be archived.
Revert back Archived a Issues:
- In the Issue list page, Click on Archive icon.
- Check the Issues which need to be reverted back.
- Click on the Revert back button and confirm.
Bulk Delete :
- In Issue list page, Click on the check box in header
- Now You can view the filter overlay
- Here you can delete the issues by click the Delete button
Sharable Attachments:
To view all the attachments added to the particular issue click on Sharable Attachments a new tab will appear, other than the current tab and the shareable report link will be automatically copied to the clipboard.
Note: Advantages of the shareable report links in QATouch, are used for analyzing/displaying all types of reports without login into QATouch, and Shareable report links can be shared publicly for ease.
Copy issues:
- In issues page select the Issue specific issue you want copy
- Click on "Copy" Button
- Select the destination project
- Click on Copy.
Issue Filter
We can filtered the issues by following fields
- status
- Priority
- Severity
- Bug Type
- Operating systems
- Assignee
- Created By
- Environment
- Release
Filter - Created By
- In issue filters “Created by” options - we can filter the issues based on the created by users
- Click on the Created by field in the filters and select the user