
Add Issue

  1. To Goto Issues Page, Click on Project->Issues Menu
  2. Click on "+ Add Issue" Button
  3. Enter the Issue Summary
  4. Choose priority and Status
  5. Enter the other Issue details, add attachments(optional)
  6. Click on Save


Custom fields option in add issue

1.We can easily add custom fields in the add issue form-under Custom fields tab


Edit Issues:

  1. To Goto Issues Page, Click on Project->Issues Menu
  2. Click on “Edit” Button
  3. Enter issue details which you want to edit
  4. Click on Save

Archive Issues:

  1. To Archive an Issue, Click on the delete icon near Issue.
  2. Confirm the archive by clicking on the “Archive” button in the popup.
  3. The Issue will be archived.

Revert back Archived a Issues:

  1. In the Issue list page, Click on Archive icon.
  2. Check the Issues which need to be reverted back.
  3. Click on the Revert back button and confirm.


Bulk Delete :

  1. In Issue list page, Click on the check box in header
  2. Now You can view the filter overlay
  3. Here you can delete the issues by click the Delete button


Sharable Attachments:

To view all the attachments added to the particular issue click on Sharable Attachments a new tab will appear, other than the current tab and the shareable report link will be automatically copied to the clipboard.


Note: Advantages of the shareable report links in QATouch, are used for analyzing/displaying all types of reports without login into QATouch, and Shareable report links can be shared publicly for ease.

Copy issues:

  1. In issues page select the Issue specific issue you want copy
  2. Click on "Copy" Button
  3. Select the destination project
  4. Click on Copy.


Issue Filter

We can filtered the issues by following fields

  1. status
  2. Priority
  3. Severity
  4. Bug Type
  5. Operating systems
  6. Assignee
  7. Created By
  8. Environment
  9. Release


Filter - Created By

  1. In issue filters “Created by” options - we can filter the issues based on the created by users
  2. Click on the Created by field in the filters and select the user
