Access Type
Tester - Users with access type Tester will have access to Dashboard and Projects Assigned to them(Overview, Requirements, Attachments, Releases, Modules, Test Cases, Test Plans, Test Runs, Issues, Jira Issues, Reports, Project Integration Mapping)
Developer - Users with access type Developer will have access only to Issues of Projects Assigned to them.
Admin - User with access type Tester and Admin access(Marked as "This user is an administrator") will have access to All Projects, Dashboard, Managerial reports, and Administration options(Users Management, Roles Management, Site Settings, Subscription, Billing Address, Custom Options, Integration Settings, Custom Fields, Activity Log).
1.Goto Administration->Users Management
2.Click on Add User button
3.Enter the User details(Firstname, Lastname, Email)
4.Choose whether This user is an administrator or not
5.Click Save
(Note: After User Creation the Registered Email
will get an Email for Password Setup)